Thursday, May 17, 2012

Challenge 70 - Sepia

This week's Diva challenge was to add some sepia tones (or brown) to your tangling.   My photo looks a little on the purple side, but honest I did use a sepia micron for this.

If the string looks familiar that is because I'm doing some catching up on the zendala dare by Erin.  This uses the string for Dare #1.

This  is my rendition of  zendala dare #2


  1. I love the zendalas that show up all the time right now. It gives a new scope to creativity and you are wonderful at giving them interest and flair!

  2. Your zendalas are beautiful. Great choice for this challenge.

  3. Both are very beautiful. I especially love how you used the sepia in the second one.

  4. joni, these are beautiful! i like the soft touches of color :). i like that you are catching up on the zendala dare :). i need to do the same thing with the Diva's Weekly Challenge, but i think i started around #64 or so, it's going to take me awhile - hahaha!

    have a great weekend! and thanks for the kind words about the CZT training! i'm really excited, but at the same time a bit nervous that i'm not good enough, or not smart enough, or don't know enough, so thanks! that made me feel better!

  5. Beautiful zend alas, I love your choice of tangles

  6. Both of these are gorgeous! Love your touches of sepia and your tangle choices are great.

  7. your sepia charged zendelas are so interesting! i don't know if i am capable of a zendela! having to do the exact design equally well must be a real challenge.

  8. Both Zendalas are wonderful. I especially like the second one, it has a softness to it.

  9. Ah wow, beautifully done! love 'n greetz, Ellen

  10. Very pretty zendalas... both of them.

  11. Beautiful work!! I like the little touch of the sepia color. Love the tangles you used, especially in the first one. I haven't tried a Zendala since our last get-together.
